Conference Services

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Our goal is to enable the widespread distribution of cutting-edge library services education through 's flagship conferences, benefiting both Members and Non-Members alike. We are committed to organizing carefully curated events that enhance the experiences, careers, and libraries of Members, exhibitors, and staff, while fostering Association financial stability and sustainable long-term growth.


Annual Conference

The °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±app () holds its Annual Conference each June and is attended by thousands of librarians, educators, writers, publishers, friends of libraries, trustees, and special guests. The conference includes educational programming on various topics affecting libraries and librarians, including technology, censorship, literacy, relevant regulations and policies, and other current topics of interest. Also included are Division President & Chair programs, discussion groups, site tours, receptions, and other networking activities.

The Library Marketplace includes expert exhibitors, live stages, author signings, complimentary ARCs, music and fun activities. Topics include libraries and technology, censorship, literacy, and other subjects of interest for libraries. For more information, visit .

LibLearnX: The Library Learning Experience

The °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±app () premiered LibLearnX: The Library Learning Experience (LibLearnX) (LLX) on January 21-24, 2022 as a virtual conference. The first event was exclusive to Members as an interactive education experience designed to motivate, inspire, and engage in discussion. The second LibLearnX, hosted in New Orleans, LA, January 27-30, 2023, was open to all library professionals, including Non-Members. The third event, also open to Members and Non-Members was hosted January 19-22, 2024 in Baltimore, MD. The upcoming LibLearnX will be hosted on January 24-27, 2025 in Phoenix, Arizona. It will again be open to all library professionals, including Non-Members.

At LibLearnX, library professionals at all levels will take part in a conference experience, providing ultimate learning benefits. Attendees will participate in hands-on workshops, bite-size sessions and other learning formats designed to match preferred learning styles with an emphasis on experiential learning. They will be inspired and motivated by thought-leaders, authors, and subject matter experts; have opportunity to expand their network through networking activities and collaborative learning; and celebrate their colleagues and favorite authors at the Award ceremonies. For more information about the upcoming conference, visit .

Criteria for conference site selection and any subsequent changes conforming to policy.


To contact Conference Services, call 800-545-2433, ext. 3223

Rebecca Headrick, CITO, Senior Executive Sponsor, Conference Services

Kristin Lahurd, Conference Services, Deputy Director

Alicia Hamann, Registration and Housing Manager

Kara Stachowiak, Conference Content Manager

Yvonne Mclean, Meeting Planner

Donna Hunter, Marketing Specialist

Paul Graller, Exhibition Management - Hall Erickson 630-929-7910